We are aware that sustainability must be integrated into the structure and process organization, including the supply chain, and we strive for economic, ecological and social balance.
Sustainability becomes part of our strategy with clearly defined goals, key figures and derived measures.

our activities
- Development of a strategy and a program for sustainability and definition of the target to achieve CO2 neutrality by the end of 2039 (Scope 1 -3)
- Certifications: All locations are certified according to the ISO 14001 environmental management system, the ISO 50001 energy management system and the ISO 45001 occupational safety management system.
- Regular sustainability report
- "Conflict Minerals Report" (CMRT) and "Cobalt Reporting" (CRT)
The BOGE Whistleblower System
Conducting business with integrity, responsibility and sustainability as well as the assumption of social responsibility are fundamental components of our corporate policy. We are committed to performing our business fairly and transparently and base our activities on the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which the BOGE Rubber & Plastics Group operates. Our core corporate values are set out for our employees in our corporate guidelines and policies. We are committed to sustainable development, fair market conduct and the combating of corruption.
The BOGE whistleblower system enables representatives of all interest groups within and outside BOGE to draw our attention to human rights, environmental and economic risks and/or violations.
Examples of risks or violations are:
- Corruption offenses
- Fair competition
- Working conditions
- Theft
- Women's rights
- Child labor
- Discrimination and racism
- Intellectual property
- Environmental protection
Notifications can be sent to whistleblower@boge-rubber-plastics.com and will be treated confidentially.
Detailed information on the complaints procedure and other contact options can be found in our rules of procedure
BIS 1018 - Whistleblower Protection Procedure.
In addition, our Code of Conduct contains details about the basic principles of the BOGE Rubber & Plastics Group.
Both documents are available under Media -> Downloads -> Supplier Documents and Shipping Instructions.